I honestly can't even believe this sweet little girl is 7 weeks old already. I'd be lying if I said the first 6 weeks weren't absolutely crazy. From a horrible struggle breastfeeding, to nights of only minutes of sleep, to a rough csection recovery. The second that first smile showed up I couldn't even believe how fast my heart skipped a beat.
It was like the minute she turned 6 weeks old a giant light bulb lit up our house and she started sleeping and eating great.
She outgrew all her newborn clothes weeks ago! And will probably outgrow 0-3 months soon. She weighed in at 11lbs 4oz on Monday and the pediatrician says she's doing great! Her chubby cheeks and leg rolls are the CUTEST!
She is on formula only now. The transition went very smoothly (for her). Me on the other hand was very sad to stop breastfeeding, and holy crap it hurt to quit cold turkey. Thankfully only for a few days. I'm still working up the nerve to write that breastfeeding experience post. I will one day.
She is currently sleeping 9pm to 4am in her crib. She gets a bath at 8 and her last bottle and chuck usually has her asleep by 9. I go to bed at 9, and Chuck has always been a night owl so he stays up until 12 or 1 in case she wakes up to eat. Until this week, he was coming in to go to bed and I would then go sleep in the nursery on the couch until morning and do all her feedings after 1. ummm THANK GOD we put a couch in there because she HATED the pack n play in our bedroom. I am now sleeping in our bedroom all night with the monitor. She wakes up to eat around 4 or 4:30, I give her a bottle, and then I usually spend a while rocking her back to sleep. She only takes probably 15 minutes to get back to sleep but I always find myself being pretty cozy watching her sleep and snuggling with her in the rocker.
I lay her back down around 5 or 5:30 and go back to bed. She gets up again between 6:30 and 7:30 and I go get her and bring her into our bed. She is usually wide awake by then and SO happy to play in our bed. She smiles and coo's and tries so hard to talk for over an hour every morning!
Her favorite toy in our whole house is.... The ceiling fan. Believe it or not, her first smile was seeing the fan. I was bouncing her in my arms to sleep and she didn't want to stop looking at it so I whispered to her "I promise it will be there when you wake up for a nap" she fell asleep, I placed her in The MamaRoo, which is right under the fan in our living room. And as soon as she woke up from her nap, she saw the fan and had the biggest smile on her face! I was basically jumping up and down yelling for Chuck to come in, and then crying until snot came out of my nose because I was so happy.
They don't tell you after you have a baby that the first smile is going to make you feel every possible feeling you could ever feel in that ONE second of smiling. My heart was bursting out of my chest. I sure wish I could have bottled that up forever!
I know one day I'll want her to stop growing, but I'm so looking forward to all of her "firsts" if they make me feel this way! I couldn't possibly love this girl more!