I don't care what anyone says, having a newborn is HARD! And to those of you who do it without any help, hats off to you. I wouldn't survive without my husband who holds her from 8pm-12am so I can get a little chunk of sleep. My sister in laws who listen to me complain and ask a million questions, and give me advice every day. My mother in law who comes over at 6am when I just have no clue what to do. And my mom, who drops everything all the time to swoop in and work her Nana magic with Lola. Or just comes over to keep me company when I feel lonely while chuck is at work.
So far we've learned a few things about Lola in a month. What I thought was the cutest face ever, I called it her "duck face" where she purses her lips and looks like she's going to whistle, turns out to be the face she makes when she's pooping! 😉 it's still adorable.
We will never go another night again without giving her a bath. She hated the sponge baths at first and now enjoys real baths, which I think helps her sleep better at night.
As she's falling asleep she likes to be whispered to. Even if you're whispering "I wish we were both sleeping right now"
And she likes the sound of water running, which is a huge bonus for mama getting a shower in almost every day. (In desperate times I've considered running our well dry by leaving it on all day to get some sleep)
So even though we have seriously frustrating times. We have some silly ones and some seriously loving ones too. She's worth every minute of lost sleep with those beautiful blue eyes and full head of gorgeous hair.
Here's to many many many more months with our little pumpkin.
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