Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Decking Lola's Halls

I can't believe it's the week of Christmas already! Our baby girls FIRST Christmas. It feels so much more magical this year, even though she isn't old enough to open presents, eat cookies, or even know whats going on. There's something about your baby's first Christmas that hits you right in ALL THE FEELS. 

 I have ALWAYS wanted to get a real tree for Christmas. I grew up getting a real tree every year. Well Chuck is Mr. Don't-Kill-Trees-If-You-Don't-Have-To, so we use a fake tree every year. He had a great idea on how we could make this year special for her. We chose to get a smaller balled blue spruce, and put it in her room for this Christmas. We're going to plant it in our front yard after the holidays and decorate it every year with her for Christmas, so she will always remember it was her First Christmas Tree. (He's SUCH a softy, and I love it)

So here is Lola's room, all decked out for Christmas! Since we spend most of our time in here anyway, I thought it should be decorated the MOST!

And here is her "first ornament" daddy surprised us with, when mommy couldn't find a "Baby's First Christmas" ornament anywhere she liked.  It is SO perfect for her.

Hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Two Months

This two month old is the sweetest, cutest thing I have ever laid my eyes on. There is something new to love every single day. 

She has her 2 month appointment on Monday and we will find out officially what she weighs. But I'm SURE it's well over 12 lbs! Don't be surprised to find bite marks on those chubby cheeks one day. I can't resist!

She has always been amazing at holding her head up. But tummy time is a whole new level now. She rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time the day before she turned 2 months old. And then did it 4 times in a row and loved it. From what I'm reading, she is 2 whole months early for this milestone. I'm a proud mommy for sure!

She absolutely LOVES bath time. I would leave her in there for hours if I could keep the water warm and it didn't suck to lean over the tub so long. She hates when we have daddy go get the towel to get out.

She also loves her Mr. Moose and loves to feel all the different fabrics on him and try to put everything in her mouth. We put him in her car seat with her and she always grabs him and holds him close while she sleeps. It's adorable. 

She loves her chin tickled and when you bicycle her legs and tell her she's running. And she thinks it's hilarious to watch her mom dance around the room singing Mariah Carey Christmas songs to her.

Every morning when you go in her nursery to get her out of her crib she has the biggest smile and you can tell she is just SO excited to see you. And then she loves to play in our bedroom with Louie for a half hour before breakfast!

She's eating 4oz bottles about 6 or 7 times in 24 hours. And we just recently started giving her a 4.5 oz bottle at 9pm before bed and it seems to hold her off until 4 or 5am. Which has been so amazing for sleeping. Even though we still have our hit or miss nights where she is up at 2, or 3, or 4. Or all of them. But we will see how it all works out when I go back to work next week. Which I can't even begin to talk about. I have so much anxiety with going back to work. 
She is enrolled in a day care right by our house that we have heard great things about, but my heart breaks thinking about all the time during the day I will miss with her. There is a small chance my husband will be able to stay home with her for a little bit so she doesn't have to go to day care quite yet. We will see how it all pans out. 

I'm amazed at how fast two months have gone by. I'm so excited to watch her grow and see more and more of her personality come out. Mommy hood can be so exhausting. But it is absolutely amazing.