Thursday, April 27, 2017

Friday Favorites

I've been following a lot of blogs and a couple of them do a Friday Favorites post, and I've found a lot of great items through them. So I thought I'd use my day off to make a little list for those of you following along, whether its for the baby advice, baby fashion, or just to listen to me rant. God bless you.
Here we go.

Lets start with a couple things Lola has been loving lately, other than the easy idea of just being outside. Girl would live outside if I'd let her. She has been LOVING her Gloworm lately. Her grandpa got it for her for her first Christmas and she really has taken to it lately. She falls asleep listening to the lullaby, and wakes up hugging her every morning. It melts and breaks my heart that she is so in love with two specific toys and they're both toys her grandpa who passed away last October got her. Is it a coincidence? I don't know. But its something special. When I went to link it here, I found out it's been discontinued, so it feels even more special now. 

We've also recently turned her car seat around in both of our cars and she is l-o-v-i-n-g it. Just watches out the window and loves car rides now. She didn't exactly hate car rides backwards before, but it was hit or miss. This mama is loving being able to see her so easily and tickle her chubby thighs whenever she wants.

These 360 cups are probably the greatest sippy cup invention in history. They do not leak at all. And I'll admit the first one we got I stared at it for a few minutes trying to figure out how they work, handed it to Lola and she just drank right out of it. So some days, I'm not as smart as my 18 month old. I chucked all our old sippy cups with no hesitation and bought 6 more of these babies.


Other things we're loving right now, our matching Hanna Andersson jammies. Just the softest most comfy pajama's ever. And I'll buy anything to match my "looks exactly like daddy" daughter.  These lemon ones for women are the cutest, and on sale. Lastly, for Lola, I'm having a hard time deciding on which water table to get for her to play with outside. She loves anything involving water. Bath time, washing her hands, running through the hose, so I know she will really take to a water table this summer. Any suggestions?

I can't get enough of these cardigans for spring. They're perfect to throw on over a tee or tank when it's chilly in the morning still, and they're not too heavy so you can wear them all day when it warms up. And duh, on sale.  

Lastly, I've finally gotten into a routine of taking care of myself (i.e. washing my face and brushing my teeth every night) it only took my 30 years guys! I'm obsessed with these face masks from Sephora, and my new Sonicare tooth brush. I mean seriously, who is still brushing their teeth with a manual tooth brush? This thing is the shit. I use the face masks on Sunday nights, which has become my favorite night of the week with my new routine of clean bed sheets, a face mask, and popcorn. I've used all of the face masks available so far, but I think my favorite is the green tea. Speaking of beauty products though, have you heard of LipSense? I didn't either until recently, and it's totally worth every penny. Doesn't smudge, or come off on anything. I find myself wanting to go places where it's appropriate to wear fun lipstick. Hit up my girl (@foreverlastingbeauty) on Instagram and order yours. 

Thats all I've got for today. We've got our annual Maple Festival this weekend in town and we've only been looking forward to it for 364 days now...
Have a great weekend everyone.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter 2017

Well Easter (and April) has come and gone. I can't believe it how fast spring is moving already. I don't get nearly enough time to post on my blog any more and it makes me so sad. I hope to at least start posting once a week soon.

Chuck had Friday thru Sunday off from work, which hasn't happened since Christmas for him. He works every week, 6 days a week. It was incredible to have him home and get a ton of things done around the house. It was absolutely gorgeous weather for Easter weekend. We finally took down our 5 million christmas lights outside and cleaned up our 6 million sticks in the yard. 

This was Lola's second Easter, but she was at an age this year where she could partake in some fun Easter activities. On Saturday, we went to our small towns Easter egg hunt. It lasted all of 3 seconds, and she got all of 2 toys, but it was still a fun event and I'm glad we did it. Lola has always been a people watcher. This is why she is so great going out to eat with us. She just watches everyone around her. We joke and say shes "judging" everyone, but she is just totally amused with what other people are doing. This didn't make for a great Easter egg hunter, since she was so involved with what 30+ kids were doing running around the muddy grass picking up a bunch of rubbish. But I think she still enjoyed herself. Or maybe just petting all the dogs.

 Lola woke up Sunday morning with the sun shining and ready for her Easter basket. I was so excited to create this basket this year with items I knew she'd love. Isn't that bunny the cutest thing you've ever seen? It's from Homegoods, and I had a hard time not buying 15 of them. I found the yard utensils and the  flower pot with paints at the dollar spot at Target. The cute gold crown is from H&M. This Bunny Roo, I Love You book which is so adorable for Easter. I'm such a sucker for gorgeous kids books. And her favorite part of the basket, Little Cosmetics Pretend Makeup Set. If you follow me on insta-stories, you see Lola doing her make up with me all the time. She absolutely loves to sit up on the counter and "do" her make up. Which ultimately has ended in all my make up being smashed, and all of my brushes being ruined. So this gift set was perfect. She has already done her own and mommy and daddys make up several times since Sunday.

Lola's Jammies from last year (similar here)

We hosted Easter Sunday at our house. It was our first holiday to host with both our families coming. We have a pretty small house, but having nice weather made it a little better so we could be outside. There were 15 adults and 7 kids in our house for dinner. And enough food for 50 people. We had an easter egg hunt of our own, which my nephew dominated in running through the flower beds like a machine.

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with their families, and are enjoying the amazing spring weather all around.  

Sunday, April 2, 2017

18 Months

Well, in the fastest 18 months ever, this girl happened. I want to remember every little thing about her. I want to write down the hilarious things she says
 and does and never forget what an incredible thing it is to be her mom at every age. 

Age: 18 months
Stats: She is weighing in at a whopping 30 lbs. at her 15 month check up she was in the 98 percentile for weight. And she has grown 2.5" since her first birthday, putting her in the 94 percentile for height! She is a baby model.

Favorite Food: There pretty much isn't anything she won't eat. Some weeks she goes through phases of not eating a single blueberry, and then the next week will eat an entire package in two days. Every morning I ask her what she wants for breakfast and every morning she replies "waffles." But we rotate waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, and yogurt mostly. She loves loves loves yogurt covered raisins and applesauce. Will open the pantry every single evening and grab a bag of cheetos. And will take down a bowl of spaghetti in 5 seconds flat. Girlfriend is a great eater. 
Words:  Her vocabulary has drastically changed since turning one. She will try to say any word you ask her to. Words and phrases most used throughout each day, "dog dog" "nana" "Lou Lou" "dog dog go!" "Bubbles" "diapy" "mingo night night"  and of course "mama" and "dada"
Favorite Activities: being outside for sure is her favorite thing ever. Chasing the chickens around saying "ba ba ba." Running through a million bubbles. Rocking her babies night night. Having snacks. Music. She always wants music on and dances all day long! Playing with Louie

Favorite Things: Books. Louie our chihuahua. Crayons. Glow Worm. And her favorite flamingo that she snuggles with.

Least Favorite Things: Diaper changes, putting on clothes, taking off clothes, and anytime mom walks out of the room.

Signature Moves:  putting her hands up in the air while dancing, putting her hands together and scrunching her nose and saying "pweeese" when she wants something. Getting diapers out when she needs a diaper changed. Sitting on the counter and doing her make up with mom, she will put "blush" on and then look in the mirror and smile at her pretty make up. Shaking her booty and pointing to my phone to ask for music. Stuffing her flamingos head under her chin to cozy in and fall asleep. And dropping everything she's doing to run up to the tv when she hears the Gilmore Girls theme song. 

Lola has ALWAYS loved her routine. I'm working on a post to describe a little bit about our daily schedule.

The last few weeks she has had a hard time being away from me. Thankfully she doesn't really need to be often. But it's been a little hard for mom and dad to get anything done around the house. The term "toddler" tornado is legit. She will destroy a room in 2 minutes, but she is a great helper at putting things away. She loves to do things like empty the dish washer, and load laundry into the washer. Though she wouldn't mind if we never turned on the vacuum ever again. 
She's 100% a people watcher. When we go shopping or out to eat she is just taking everything all in observing everything. I like to think she gets that from her Papa, because I always remember him being like that when I was younger. Actually, he's still like that at 66. She's such a Nana's girl. She wants to call Nana and be held by Nana all day long. I mean, so do I, so I don't blame her. 
This age is so much fun. She really seems to be developing a personality of her own and becoming a little person. I hope I never forget her sweet little voice, her booty shaking, and her hilarious giggle.