Thursday, September 17, 2015

37 weeks

Hitting 37 weeks is a whole new ball game in pregnancy. I woke up and just felt this huge rush of emotions. Chuck and I have been through so much to make it this far. From starting out hoping for a family, being told how hard it would be, being told how dangerous it would be, to getting pregnant, being SO sick during first trimester, to ER visits and hospital stays, to Chuck losing his job while pregnant, to fighting because I was so scared and so miserable, to getting to the point where she is full term and healthy enough to arrive any minute. We have hoped and prayed and waited for this week. Thank you God, for getting us this far. And to our family, who still just blows me away with love every day, thank you for your consistent support, advice, and help. We are SO excited to finally meet our little girl. You can come anytime you want- we're ready!

How far along: 37 weeks plus 2 days in this pic

Gender: Girl! 

Weight gain: I stayed consistent in weight gain this week. Even though I've eaten all junk. Total weight gain is 28 lbs.

Maternity clothes: oh yes, and now that its fall I live in leggings and long, open cardigans
Stretch marks: no, I still can't believe it!

Belly button in or out: staying flat. Will it ever look the same again??

Sleep: I don't really sleep anymore. I may go to bed and fall asleep early around 9:00pm, but I'm awake probably every hour. I wake up anytime between 1:00 am and 4:00 am and can't go back to sleep so stare at my stupid iPhone for hours, looking up shit on the internet

Best moment this week: the gorgeous weather, a fun date night with hubs at one of our favorite mexican restaurants, and my 37 week ultrasound. Doctor estimated her at 6lbs 9oz!

Worst moment this week: an unexpected trip to my doctor because I had some really bad tightness in my chest. He sent me for an EKG. Doing a lot better now though.

Miss anything: DEFINITELY sleeping on my stomach. I know I say that almost every week. And now that it's fall, CLAMS. I've had bad reactions to lobster, clams, and calamari during pregnancy so far so I've been avoiding them. I can't wait to take our baby to her first Myers Family Clam Bake!!

Movement: so much, all the time, as usual. She is so stinkin cute I can't even wait to see all her little kicks on the outside

Cravings: this week definitely apple cider and apple juice. Or apples dipped in caramel. I actually woke up last night starving at 1:30am and chugged a huge glass of apple juice. Turns out, apples are good for heartburn too! Win-win!

Symptoms: lower back pain, mild heartburn, LOTS of cramping and braxton hicks. I thought I was going into labor on Tuesday night for sure, but was able to fall asleep and the braxton hicks went away

Looking forward to: meeting this bundle of joy we have waited years for 

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