Age: 3 months
Height: TALL. I won't know until her 4 month appointment, but girlfriend is very tall for her age
Weight: 13+ lbs
Clothing size: mostly she wears 3-6 months everything
Diaper size: we just opened our first box of size 2
Eating:five 5 oz bottles a day, no real schedule except her before bed bottle at about 8:45pm
Sleeping: she has no daytime nap schedule, but she usually can only stay awake for about 1.5 hours at a time. She goes to bed at 9 and sleeps almost every night until 4 or 5, has a bottle and goes back to sleep until about 7
Favorite toys: definitely her new piano mat from Nana and Papa. She loves to kick and hear the music shes making
Loves: sliding on your lap, sitting up on anyones lap so she can look around, flying like an airplane
Lola is growing so much every single day. I love seeing something new she learns all the time. She's smiling more, making more and more noises, and overall just a happy baby! I couldn't ask for more love then I have. She is my everything.
A couple photos from our adventures this month:
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