Friday, January 29, 2016

One Year Ago

One year ago, I was having a really rough week. Without getting into detail I had taken a negative pregnancy test on Monday that week, and then found out two very close-to-me women were pregnant. I was so ready to see our two pink lines. While I know what I was feeling couldn't be helped, I reacted in a way that hurt one of those friendships. Little did we know, that Thursday,
 our view, our world, our life, was going to change.

Note to self: when emotions make you blind, please watch your step.

These two pink lines. How could they have so much power? How could they make me feel every emotion on the broadest spectrum of the emotions scale. Excitement, fear, unconditional love, guilt, pure joy, and relief. We had done it. We had created the purest form of love known to the human race. A child.

So that's how Baby Kaufman Adventures began one short year ago today. You can read the first post here to start from the beginning. What a journey it has already been. I'm so excited to continue this blog and have a few more fun things in the works for this wonderful life of ours. Thanks to all of you who read, comment, and even look to me for advice. Just a few short weeks ago I was the one scouring the internet, and reaching out to friends for anything I could find on newborns. While I learn something new every day from Lola, I also learn something new from this amazing network of moms I've been so blessed with. Motherhood is so much more then being a "mom"

Sharing a video of a song I sing to Lola all the time and she loves it. It had meaning to me way back in highschool when I was standing in the crowd watching my hometown band perform it. But the meaning has changed dramatically after seeing those two pink lines on January 29th, 2015. And then again on October 2, 2015 when this beautiful creature came into our lives.

 And just like that.....
Love is all it takes, to change me forever.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cold Weather Favorites

When you live in Antartica Chardon, Ohio, you know there will be FREEZING cold weather for about four months a year. And you'll most likely get a snow day at some point even if you aren't a teacher or a student. So during my first winter with a baby, I thought I'd share some of my cold weather favorites for both mama and mini, after having our first snow day together this week.
For Mama:

Lush Charity Pot Lotion: Amazing for dry skin, and how awesome that 100% of the profits supports grassroots organizations working in the areas of environmental conservation, animal welfare, and human rights.
Aveeno Positively Radiant Night Cream: I just recently started using this Aveeno line, looking for something cheaper and more natural. This stuff soaks in and leaves my skin feeling so soft.

Eos Lip Balm: I own every flavor and have them all over my house, car, desk at work, etc. My favorite lip balm by far.

AEO Crew Socks: I haven't shopped at American Eagle since probably high school, but I can't deny how soft and cozy these crew socks are

LL Bean Boots: I wear these almost every day in the winter. Waterproof, warm, and comfy.

For Baby:

Crane Drop Humidifier: Lola had her first cold this winter, which was heartbreaking. But this humidifier seems to help with her congestion and sleeping at night.

Sweater Knit Hat: The hat we have is sold out, but really any adorable hat like this will do. Have to keep my little pumpkin's ear warm all winter long

Fleece Bear One Piece: Amazing for blistery cold days. We put Lola in this on her first walk this fall as well. I wasn't worried about her being cold at all. This thing is so soft, warm, and adorable

Dot & Stripe Stroller Blanket: We received this blanket as a gift, with Lola's name stitched on it. We use it to cover her up in her car seat and it is PERFECT.

Stay warm friends!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Surviving the Newborn Stage

1. MamaRoo this thing is the BEST for naps. Lola was not a fan of her crib or pack n play for naps in the beginning. Plug this sucker in, turn on the white noise, and she will nap for 3 hours! It's definitely pricey, and we got this one from Chuck's sister for free (Thanks Kelley!) and it's been amazing.

2. On-the-Go Sound Machine - we have this attached to Lola's car seat. We use the soft white noise the most. But it soothes her so fast in the car that she does so great now. Especially great for mama's weekly Target trips, when you want to spend an hour wandering the aisles and you don't have a crying baby in her car seat in the cart

3. Halo Sleepsack - the only way Lola will sleep at night. These are so great with the velcro to just zip her up and velcro her in so she can't wiggle her way out. Now that the winter is finally here, she wears the fleece ones and she is so snuggly and warm all night. She has given us several sleeps 8:30pm-7:00am and I think a lot has to do with how comfy she is

4. Sound Machine - Lola sleeps with the heartbeat sound on this machine, and it works wonders to drown out extra noise. With her room being right off our living room, we often find ourselves turning the TV so low we can't even hear it, and tip toeing around the house trying to be quiet so she naps good. But this machine definitely helps now that she naps in her room during the day

5. Old Navy Sleepers - these are the softest, lightest, comfiest, cutest sleepers ever. I wish they made these in adult sizes. They come in so many great colors (we have every single one) and they're the easiest for quick diaper changes because they zip right up no problem.

6. Swaddle Blankets - Lola naps swaddled in these blankets. We tried the Aden & Anais ones but they're too small for our tall girl. Little Unicorns has the CUTEST prints ever. We now own 5 ;-) And I've already pre-ordered this one, because I buy anything flamingo (duh)

7. Coffee - no need for explanation. You just need it. A lot of it.

And because no post is complete without a photo of my little pumpkin..

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Three Months

Age: 3 months

Height: TALL. I won't know until her 4 month appointment, but girlfriend is very tall for her age

Weight: 13+ lbs

Clothing size: mostly she wears 3-6 months everything

Diaper size:  we just opened our first box of size 2

Eating:five 5 oz bottles a day, no real schedule except her before bed bottle at about 8:45pm

Sleeping: she has no daytime nap schedule, but she usually can only stay awake for about 1.5 hours at a time. She goes to bed at 9 and sleeps almost every night until 4 or 5, has a bottle and goes back to sleep until about 7

Favorite toys: definitely her new piano mat from Nana and Papa. She loves to kick and hear the music shes making

Loves: sliding on your lap, sitting up on anyones lap so she can look around, flying like an airplane

Lola is growing so much every single day. I love seeing something new she learns all the time. She's smiling more, making more and more noises, and overall just a happy baby! I couldn't ask for more love then I have. She is my everything. 

A couple photos from our adventures this month:

Friday, January 1, 2016

Lolas First Christmas 2015

Lolas First Christmas was one for the books! She turned 12 weeks old on Christmas Day!
Okay, so she slept through most of it. But she was blessed with the most amazing family. Who spoiled her with an abundant amount of wonderful gifts!

Christmas Eve we spent at my brothers house. It was so much fun to have all the kiddos together and see them all so excited to tear open presents. I'm very excited for Lola to feel that joy in the years to come! Here's a few photos from that night. Of course I'm wishing I took more photos yet again!

Christmas Day we spent at my grandmas house with the whole family. We're getting SO big with all our kids! 
Here's a few blurry ones from our gopro. 

Here's just a glimpse of the loot Lola was blessed with! 

We finished up the night exhausted. But full of love! Holidays through children's eye are so special. I'm so grateful to have the people in our life to share these amazing memories with! 

Be Here Now.


Lola isn't too excited about the new year in this picture, but we are!

Every year, I set 5 resolutions for myself.  Some years, I do a few for a few weeks, then say F it. Some years I conquer all five. This year... I have one.

Be Here Now

There is no promise for tomorrow. I'm choosing to be here now. (Thanks Ray Lamontagne!) I've always had a problem with waiting for something. I'm okay admitting that, because it's the truth. Last year I waited and waited for Lola to be here, then I waited for breastfeeding to get better, then I waited for her to sleep better at night. Then I noticed myself waiting for it to be warmer. Who am I kidding? We've got 3 more months minimum of cold! So I'm going to stop waiting. What if we don't get tomorrow?

 I'm sure the majority of you look at my life and think, how could she want more? I don't have it all. I don't have tons of money to buy whatever I want. I don't have the perfect job I love going to every day. I don't have the perfect sculpted body. I don't even fit into any of my clothes anymore. But I have enough money, I have a job, I have a beautiful baby girl that came from that scarred and unsculpted body, and I have two huge closets full of clothes. Those things are minuscule in comparison to whats really important. What I truly cherish is the ridiculously fun and loving family I have. The husband who tells me I'm beautiful every single day. A beautiful baby girl, who wakes up smiling every morning. Who loves me and trusts me enough to let me hold her while shes crying, and rock her to sleep when shes tired. It is so much more then enough.

So today, I'm not worried about when do the days start getting longer, or warmer, or better. Right now, is better. And tomorrow, if I'm lucky enough to have tomorrow, I'll figure it out then.

Ever since the first time I heard this quote, I have used it over and over again to remind my friends, my family, and myself....

CHEERS! To hopefully an amazing year!