Monday, April 4, 2016

Six Months

Age: 6 months

Height: Very tall for her age, will find out at her next weeks check up

Weight: she was 18 lbs 11 ounces last week at the doctor (which is the weight of a 1 year old!)

Clothing size: She's wearing all 6-9 month and 6-12 month clothes, but a few times I've been able to put some 3-6 month pants on her still

Diaper size:  3

Eating: just recently put her on a schedule of 6 ounce bottles at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4:30pm, and 8pm and 2 ounces of food for dinner at 5:30pm. its working out really good for us

Sleeping: I've been anxiously awaiting putting her on a nap schedule, but she sort of put herself on her own. She naps at 9am, 12pm, and somewhere around 4 or 6pm. And the sleeps like a champ all night every night. 8pm-7am

Favorite toys: her new blocks, Fan fan the teether, still her excersaucer, and her new bath squirtes

Loves: her daddy, tubby time, nakey time before tubby time,  shaking her head, sitting up and playing with her blocks, watching other kids, and I have to say shopping. Girlfriend loves to go shopping with mom and Nana. 

Lola, these last six months have flown by, and I have loved watching you grow and learn. You have the best deep belly laugh, and you smile all the time. I'm not sure what the purpose of my life was before you. You brighten every dark thought, and your smile with those two cute bottom teeth is infatuating. I can't believe what an amazing experience it is to be your mom and to watch you with your dad. It is the greatest happiness I've ever felt. I'm so excited for what's to come. 

Dream big little one 

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