Monday, August 22, 2016

Mom Brain

We have been too busy for our own good lately. Wrapped up an unsuccessful garage sale last weekend, and sold our couch and had to quickly buy a new one to replace it. On top of being so busy, Lola is crawling. Which means our days/minutes are absolutely insane. She's on the verge of walking any minute, and as proud as it makes me when she stands there all by herself smiling ear to ear and just so thrilled she can stand there all on her own, I secretively want to push her down and tell her to "stop it, be a baby!" It seems she is growing at the speed of light. And summer has been SO good, yet SO fast. Being busy during the summer is fun, but exhausting. And I usually can't remember what day it is lately. Mom brain is a serious, and real thing. While I hate to admit any of this, I'm going to share a couple things that have happened involving my scrambled egg brain since having Lola, in hopes all you moms out there aren't on the busy struggle bus right along with me.

1. My husband texted me after he got home from work before me one evening. "You left the stove on." To which I replied, "I didn't use the stove this morning." And it wasn't just my "try and get out of this replies" like when he asked me if I hit the bushes in his moms yard with my car and I said "no?" and he pulled about 6 branches out from behind his back and said "really? cause I just pulled this out of your fender" WHOOPS! This was a seriously I don't remember using the stove this morning reply. But when I got home, sure enough there was the skillet in the sink with left over scrambled egg that I had made for Lola that morning. I'm lucky I didn't burn our house down.

2. Leaving the stove on yet again the next week.

3. Letting the dog out, running back in to brush my teeth, going back to yell for him to come in, waiting too long and deciding to put clothes and shoes on and go find him. Yelling his name about 100 times and searching the entire neighborhood. Start to panic thinking, oh shit I lost the dog. Go back in to get my shit together and make sure Lola isn't awake yet. Start thinking the worst that a hawk picked up our dog and I would never find him again. And the little stinker was curled up under our covers in our bed the whole time. 

4. Ordering 300 new outfits from for Lola and being so excited to get them, just to realize, you already ordered all of those a week ago and they arrived today.

5. Your husband asking you where you got that giant bruise on your leg that looks so painful, and you honestly can't even remember getting it, but damn it hurts now that you mention it. 

6.  Specifically not making coffee at home, leaving early in the morning so you have enough time to stop at Starbucks. Getting to Starbucks without your wallet. 

7. And last but not least selling your couch and chair from your living room on Sunday, with no plan of a new couch. Getting to the furniture store to look around, and buy a couch without measuring a single thing. Here's hoping the couch fits in our tiny living room, or at least through the front door.

 Sorry for the lack of blogging ya'll. But I'm sure there will be a Mom Brain Part II, so stay tuned! And here's a pic of the cutest little garage sale cashier from last weekend to hold you over.

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