Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Basket Goodies

It's no secret I'm a sucker for holidays. Lola's FIRST of each holiday is too exciting for me. I've had her Easter Basket ready for no joke, a month. Its been sitting on our dining room table just waiting for Easter Sunday. She's seen it probably 40 times by now, and isn't really phased. And I know a lot of this holiday excitement is just for me this year, but I want to spoil her so she knows just how fun holidays can be as she grows up! And one day, we will dying Easter eggs and listening to Van Morrison together and I just know it will be a little taste of Heaven!

So here is what my little miss is getting this year. Something to read, something to wear, something to snuggle with, and something (a few things) to play with!

I couldn't wait to have a reason to buy her that adorable deer doll. Was a little pricey for an Easter basket, but I couldn't resist. She will probably just chew on it for a little while, but I always love seeing when a child has something they have to sleep with. My 2.5 year old niece and nephew sleep with the cutest things (like drum sticks, batman figurines, blankets, books, etc) And I just think it's so funny. Maybe this will be Lola's sleeping companion one day.

Of course an Easter book cause I think every child should have tons and tons of books that rotate out for seasons and holidays! Some of our favorite bows that Lola gets compliments on daily. We have too many to admit, but they're just the best price and the cutest, simplest little things.

Lola is SO into tubby time. At 7:15 it's like she knows whats coming at 7:30 and she is ALWAYS all smiles. Before every bath we do our little "tubby time" dance in front of the mirror and I let her stand on the counter watching herself. It the happiest she is all day and just makes us laugh so hard. So we always need more and more bath toys

I ordered that flamingo swaddle blanket a long time ago but it was backordered until just recently, so I decided to put it in her basket. We love these for swaddling still, for just covering up during naps, and for playing peek a boo with! And its flamingo, so duh.
I filled the rest of her basket with these eggs and it turned out adorable. I'm not really into the traditional "basket" look, so these galvanized bins at the Target dollar section worked perfectly! I bought a few, cause I re-use a lot of stuff like that for parties.... and her first birthday is already on my mind. I'm sure you're rolling your eyes... Remember how I said my time is limited? I gotta work efficiently!

We are so excited to spend another Easter at my Grandma's with our family. Lola is going to look so cute in her Easter Dress and we're going to love playing with all the cousins!

Hope you all have an EGGSellent Easter!

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