Friday, March 4, 2016

Five Months

Age: 5 months

Height: She is so tall. So many people think she's easily 2 months older then she is by looking at her

Weight: 17 lbs 10.5 oz at the hospital this week

Clothing size: 6 months, 6-9 months, and 6-12 months all fit her no problem. Which means I won't get to put her in any of the adorable summer stuff I bought in 6-9 month sizes before she was here

Diaper size:  we have one size 2 diaper left, and I don't think I'm going to buy any more, since I have 2 boxes of size 3 already here and she isn't getting any smaller 

Eating: she's on a pretty great schedule now. We have 5.5 ounce bottles at 7am, 9:30, 12, 3:00, 5:30, and a 6 ounces bottle at 8pm before bed. She also has her "meal" which is hilarious considering it's the size of an ice cube and takes .2 seconds to down. She's tried oatmeal, sweet potatoes, pears, and avocados. She loves oatmeal and sweet potatoes, hates pears, and hasn't decided if she likes avocados yet. This food thing is fun! 

Sleeping: she's putting herself on more of a nap schedule lately. Or maybe the day care is. She can still only stay awake about 2 hours before acting tired. Or sometimes when I know it's been almost 2 hours, we just go get in the rocker and nap before the crying comes. She's taking 4 naps a day. But the evening nap will probably drop soon.

Favorite toys: her Safari excersaucer, she just learned to jump this week, her teething toys, definitely still her owl rattle, her duck hand puppet she LOVES to scream at and grab, and new this month, her vibrating chair she never liked as a newborn. 

Loves: standing! She is SO proud everytime she stands up. Singing Row Row Row Your Boat (a thousand times), her daddy's funny faces, tubby time, being in just a diaper, playing in her "tent" daddy makes out of blankets, peek a boo, and her most favorite thing ever right now is Louie. She is so interested in Louie right now. Always wants to touch him when he's near by, and smiles, laughs, and makes any noise she can when she can see him. It melts my heart. 

My sweet Lola, you have been so sick with a nasty virus almost this whole month, but you still smile every day, and you make mommy and daddy's heart fuller then we ever thought possible. Every day you change and grow and learn something new. You are the happiest, sweetest, cutest baby, and make us the luckiest parents around

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