Thursday, May 21, 2015

20 weeks. It's a.......


How far along: 20 weeks

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe we finally know and can call this little pumpkin by her soon to be name!

Weight gain:  I'm up only 2 lbs still! Hoping that walking is paying off

Maternity clothes: Maternity pants are so comfy, I only have 2 pairs and feel like I should just replace all my jeans with them!

Stretch marks: None yet

Belly button in or out: In, but boy does it look deep

Sleep: this one is up in the air. I sleep pretty good until Chucks alarm goes off at 6am. I don't get up til 7am (okay 7:45am) so I just toss and turn for 1-2 hours.

Best moment this week: The gender reveal ultrasound. Chuck wasn't going to be able to go because of work, and TOTALLY made my day when he got out early and got to be there! And having my mom there was extra special!

Worst moment this week: Chuck having a really bad cold and feeling so miserable. He never gets sick, so when he does, I feel terrible for him

Miss anything: I still really miss a good sweaty work out, and now that picnics and dinners on the deck are happening, I miss cocktails. (sorry, just being honest)

Movement: She kicks so much, its the best feeling ever

Cravings: Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha's! Iced or hot, I've been LOVING them every morning

Queasy or sick: I felt great this week. I hope this is behind me

Looking forward to: All the amazing things we have planned for baby girls nursery, and finishing up some house projects before she makes her debut! It REALLY helps to have a husband who basically knows how to do everything from building a pedestal, to mounting a TV, to building a chicken run! (yes, we have chickens)

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