Thursday, July 30, 2015

30 weeks and the start of the Nursery

How far along: 30 weeks and 2 days in this pic, cannot even believe this it feels like yesterday we were finding out we're pregnant

Gender: Girl! 

Weight gain: 19 lbs.... so scary, and just read she should be gaining 1/2 a pound every week from now on, which sounds like at least a pound for me every week!

Maternity clothes:  mostly. The second I get home from work, I change into a nightgown. Yes, I wear nightgowns.
Stretch marks: nope, thank you coconut oil

Belly button in or out:  flat as a pancake

Sleep: sleep isn't terrible, I get so nervous sleeping on my back, but my left shoulder is so messed up from sleeping on my left side so much. My doctor told me it's fine.

Best moment this week: My Birthday was Tuesday. My mom surprised me at work and took me out to lunch, it was just what I needed to break up my work day, and Chuck took me out to a birthday dinner, and surprised me with an ice cream cake. More celebrations this weekend with friends and family!

Worst moment this week: First, traveling 2 hours to Ikea- Pittsburgh to specifically buy a couch and a dresser (and a few other small things) and getting there to find out the couch isn't a pull out, and the dresser is SOLD OUT, and the 3 shelves I needed, they only have 2 in stock. I cried in the store. My poor husband didn't want the couch at all, but felt so bad for me and all the emotions I've been dealing with. He told me straight up "buy anything you want in the store, we will pay the shipping and order the dresser and shelves online." I feel like a spoiled brat sometimes around him, but he is just the sweetest man.
Second, getting food poisoning and violently vomiting for 3 hours straight in the middle of the night. I swear, what ELSE is gonna happen to me during pregnancy?

Miss anything: I probably miss sleeping on my stomach THE MOST out of everything.

Movement: major movements all the time. I'm starting to be able to distinguish finger and toe movements. It is incredible.

Cravings: bagels with cream cheese, WHY has Starbucks been out of cream cheese for 3 days in a row? RUDE!

Queasy or sick: SO sick from the food poisoning, but other then that, just slight acid reflux happening now

Looking forward to: more nursery progress.

We have paint, a couch, a crib, curtains, and small touches. Chuck is a CHAMP every day I ask him to paint something, assemble something, or move something to the garage. 

Still need the dresser, rocker (on BACK order, ugh!), and decor. Feels so good to make small progress though!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

29 weeks

How far along:
 29 weeks

Gender: Girl! 

Weight gain: Officially 18 pounds. I'm creeping up on weighing as much as my husband. What a horrible feeling!

Maternity clothes:  yes, and dresses, and skirts. I don't know what I would do if I had to put a coat and boots on being pregnant!
Stretch marks: still none, can't believe this

Belly button in or out: flattening out daily, so creepy

Sleep: sleep sucked this week I wake up 4-5 times to pee at night, and sleeping in hospital beds is THE WORST

Best moment this week: Chuck finishing painting the nursery, and receiving one of the best gifts so far for our little girl. Chuck's sister MADE the onesies below and a flamingo laundry basket was over flowing with so many amazing outfits and gifts! We are VERY blessed.

Worst moment this week:  Another ER visit and hospital stay. I cannot seem to get rid of these kidney infections. I finished a round of antibiotics Wednesday night, saw my OB Thursday afternoon, had a great ultrasound, and urine even looked fine. I went to bed Friday night completely fine, woke up around 3am in horrible pain. Went to the ER and had a raging kidney infection. On top of feeling horrible, we had an ER doctor tell me she was going to put stents in because of the stone in my left kidney. I had a full blown panic attack. I'm not sure I have ever cried so hard in my life. I BEGGED them to call my doctor and when he came in I begged him not to do stents. He said he would try 24 hours on IV antibiotics and if that didn't work, he had to put a tube in my back into my kidney to drain it and relieve the swelling. Obviously, I didn't want this either. But the antibiotics were working and I was able to go home 24 hours later. I was told to expect to be back again before I deliver. Above all else, Lola was monitored and doing great. I'm really hoping all of this stress and pain doesn't have any effect on her.

Miss anything: This may sound totally stupid, considering I'm about to be a parent. But I worry to death about EVERYTHING. I miss not worrying

Movement: She is still moving like crazy. I felt her first hiccups while in the hospital. How sweet!

Cravings: Sweets of all kinds! Muffins, chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes. Thankfully I passed my glucose test!

Queasy or sick: NOPE!

Looking forward to: Now that the nursery is painted, I'm so excited to start putting it together!

Just a few of the cute onesies and amazing gift from Chucks sister! 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

28 weeks and a Special Birthday

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY to this unbelievable man who would do, and has done everything in his power to be the best husband and father. I honestly don't know how I got so lucky, and I wouldn't want to be on this adventure with any one else in the entire world. I swear, God knew exactly what he was doing when He put us together.

How far along: 28 weeks

Gender: Girl! My best friend said to me the other day when I was having a rough time "You're one day closer to meeting your daughter" those words hit me so hard. DAUGHTER. It is just so unbelievably amazing

Weight gain: yikes, 17 pounds!

Maternity clothes:  yes, mostly maternity clothes. Seriously I hate pants though
Stretch marks: I don't have any stretch marks, but I still have red bumps appearing all over my legs and now my stomach from time to time, and my face has been bumpy and broken out since day one!

Belly button in or out: still in, surprisingly!

Sleep: my back SEEMS to be getting a little better. Sleeping on my left side is harder and harder. I wake up on my back often and freak out a little

Best moment this week: Chuck's 30th birthday party! Thank you everyone for coming out and celebrating with us! We have an AMAZING group of friends and family. I can't even believe he is 30.

Worst moment this week: Paying off our VW, and immediately having to put $1,000 into it because.... a spring broke. I hate spending money on cars!

Miss anything: I miss not crying over everything. I cried the other day because I slipped in the mud while chasing the chickens into their coup. I didn't even fall. But I was so pissed at the mud! Pregnancy hormones are CRAZY!

Movement: I am so happy that she is such an active baby! I just love feeling every little poke and roll. I love trying to guess whether I'm feeling her head, or her bum!

Cravings:  Root beer floats! I can't have enough right now. Thank God root beer doesn't have caffeine in it!

Queasy or sick: I've definitely been feeling pretty gross after eating every time. I can't eat anywhere near what I used to!

Looking forward to: Painting the nursery this weekend. And dinner downtown Friday night!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

27 weeks and the truth

The truth about my pregnancy, is that it has been hard. Nowhere near as hard as many women's, but hard for me. Physically, I know there is an "end" to the aches and pains and infections, but some days, emotionally, I think I'll never stop crying.  Does this make me a bad mother already? Does this mean I don't appreciate every little hair on her head, and kick against my uterus. Absolutely not.  I'm not the "rainbows and butterflies" pregnant girl. I'm the brutally honest pregnant girl. I'm the girl who has always told it like it is, and since I'm being honest now, I'm not going to change that. This is my blog.

Pregnancy is hard. And until you've done it, please don't judge another. I realize every pregnancy is different. But what I can say is 100% the same in each pregnancy, is that being a mother makes you worry. About yourself and about your baby. Now I know our baby isn't here yet, but the second we found out we were pregnant, there was no more thinking of just me. There was actually no more room to think of ANYONE else. I'm not exactly sure if I should be sorry for that or not. But I'm going to go ahead and be the mother I've always wanted to be, and worry about my baby. Because that's what becoming a mother does to you. It makes you not care what anybody else is saying about you.

How far along: 27 weeks

Gender: Girl! And she has a name!!

Weight gain: My scale must be off, says I've only gained 1 lb this week, making me up 14 lbs. Which can' t be right!

Maternity clothes: Mixing my regular clothes with maternity clothes. Love love love dresses, and leggings

Stretch marks: none! Really loving coconut oil in the mornings after my shower!

Belly button in or out: in still... but flattening out every day

Sleep:  Sleep really sucks, and I can't believe I have 13 more weeks of sleep only getting worse

Best moment this week: Probably just the weekend in general. Got to spend it with hubs and family.

Worst moment this week: These MAJOR mood swings. On Monday I cried ALL day at work, came home to pout and cry some more in bed. Then went to make Mac n Cheese (yes, Kraft mac n cheese! I love it) and as soon as I was ready to put the milk, cheese, and butter in, I realized my husband drank all the milk. I cried, stomped off, got in my car, and drove around the block. Seriously, F these hormones!

Miss anything: I'm going through a really hard transition at work. So I miss work being easier

Movement: HUGE rolls and flips, and she constantly moves and kicks... If sleep patterns and movement are really a sign of how she will be on the outside, we're in for it!

Cravings:  I still eat muffins like every morning. And watermelon, corn on the cob, and iced coffee are all back on the craving list.

Queasy or sick: I struggle with heart burn a little bit. But haven't been nauseous in a long time. The muscle spasms in my back are bothering me the most!

Looking forward to:  Hubs 30th birthday! He hates parties, but he knew what he was getting into when he married me. I have any excuse to throw a party and be festive ;-) And turning 30 is a big one!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


How far along: 26 weeks

Gender: Girl!

Weight gain: I am so happy to say I stayed the same in weight this week. Up 13 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Yeah but it's okay, they're pretty comfy!
Stretch marks: transitioned from Mustela cream to coconut oil. Love smelling like summer ;)

Belly button in or out: in still... not sure for how much longer

Sleep:  Sleep has been horrible. My back seriously hurts all the time, in every position

Best moment this week: First, would be getting out of the hospital, Second would be our crib arriving in the nursery, and Third would be all the cleaning and organizing I got done this past weekend!

Worst moment this week: I'm going with work, and probably from now on. Working full time while pregnant and extremely emotional, is exhausting.

Miss anything: definitely still sleep, and maybe being able to wear a strapless bra without feeling like I can' t breathe

Movement: this is funny this week. First, she moves like crazy, all the time. I just love feeling her and knowing shes okay in there. Second, I've had all this pain from my kidney and bladder infection and on Monday I felt a HUGE roll and all the sudden the pain was instantly gone. I think the little pumpkin was storing her feet on my infected bladder this whole time!
Cravings:  this is kind of a year round thing for me, but popcorn! I've driven passed the movie theatre about 3 times this week thinking I should just go in and get some popcorn
Queasy or sick: neither. Just feeling stuffed to my head after everything I eat

Looking forward to:  so many things the next 2 weeks. A visit from the in-laws, painting the nursery, going to Ikea, 4th of July fireworks!