Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Sick Baby, and A Mom's Broken Heart

We are in the trenches of battling Lola's first real sickness. It is just as bad as they all say seeing your little one sick. Its literally been a month now. She started with a clear runny nose. Which turned into being really fussy 2 days later. Then a fever of 101.9 for a day and a half. Then a rash for 3 days after the fever broke. And now its really thick gross mucous at night time and first thing in the morning. She's developed a really nasty cough, and the fever is back, and up to 102.9 at times. We have tried everything to get her runny nose to stop. Sucking it out, spraying saline solution, using a humidifier every night, warm baths, and sitting in the bathroom with a hot steamy shower running. I'm pretty sure "waiting it out" is the worst piece of advice for having a sick baby. We have been to the doctor twice now just this week, and she's been diagnosed with an ear infection. The second time we went, the doctor heard slight wheezing, so sent us home with a nebulizer and albuterol. Oh my gosh. My heart was shattering watching her breathe into that mask the first time. And then at home when she would scream. We've been home from day care and work all week. Last week, there was a note on the door stating "your child has been exposed to RSV". Does anybody have anything positive to say about day care during the first year of your child's life? Cause right now, I'm ready to quit my job and be poor just to never see her like this again. 

Please keep my baby girl in your thoughts and prayers until we can move passed this!

Is it effing summer yet?

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing, I hope she feels better soon!! Babies shouldn't be allowed to get sick. :( If it makes you feel any better, Ellie is only around a handful of people on a regular basis and she still was sick with an ear infection for about a month. Plus, people always tell me that because she doesn't go to daycare, when she goes to school she will get sick more often since her immune system isn't used to all the germs yet. Everyone has their opinion but who really knows. Hope you're doing okay too, I know how crazy hard it can be to see your baby so sick! :(
