Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

Our Memorial Day weekend was full of family, sunshine, food, relaxing, and so much fun. Chuck usually works Saturdays, but didn't this weekend, and it was so nice to have him home for three whole days after his trip away. While we didn't get too many household projects knocked off our to-do list, we did have some much needed fun. 
Friday afternoon my mom took off work and we went flower shopping. It was SO hot outside, so we didn't spend much time or get too many flowers, but we visit the greenhouses several times throughout the summer

 Saturday we just hung around at home relaxing. Sunday we had our Memorial Day picnic at my mom and dads house and we ate delicious picnic food, played with all the cousins, and put Lola in the pool for the first time. She had no expression what so ever. Just a complete straight face the entire time, no matter what we did. She either had no idea what to think of it, or was too cold in the water to smile. Either way she looked ADORABLE in her swim suit and mommy had fun splashing with her.

We went back over to my parents house Sunday for more swimming. Lola still didn't budge with many smiles, but I think she had slightly more fun in the sun.
I fried my shoulders, because once you become a mom you worry about making sure every square inch of your baby is slathered in sunscreen and forget to even bring sunscreen for yourself. Oh well, I'm glad this skin finally got to have some sun touch it! 

We spent the rest of Sunday at home in our own backyard, grilling pork loins and left over veggies, and swinging in Lola's new swing.

I never forget what Memorial Day is all about. I feel forever indebted to those who make the ultimate sacrifice for us to have amazing weekends like this. Our freedom is not celebrated in vain. Home of the free, because of the brave.
Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. 

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