Friday, January 29, 2016

One Year Ago

One year ago, I was having a really rough week. Without getting into detail I had taken a negative pregnancy test on Monday that week, and then found out two very close-to-me women were pregnant. I was so ready to see our two pink lines. While I know what I was feeling couldn't be helped, I reacted in a way that hurt one of those friendships. Little did we know, that Thursday,
 our view, our world, our life, was going to change.

Note to self: when emotions make you blind, please watch your step.

These two pink lines. How could they have so much power? How could they make me feel every emotion on the broadest spectrum of the emotions scale. Excitement, fear, unconditional love, guilt, pure joy, and relief. We had done it. We had created the purest form of love known to the human race. A child.

So that's how Baby Kaufman Adventures began one short year ago today. You can read the first post here to start from the beginning. What a journey it has already been. I'm so excited to continue this blog and have a few more fun things in the works for this wonderful life of ours. Thanks to all of you who read, comment, and even look to me for advice. Just a few short weeks ago I was the one scouring the internet, and reaching out to friends for anything I could find on newborns. While I learn something new every day from Lola, I also learn something new from this amazing network of moms I've been so blessed with. Motherhood is so much more then being a "mom"

Sharing a video of a song I sing to Lola all the time and she loves it. It had meaning to me way back in highschool when I was standing in the crowd watching my hometown band perform it. But the meaning has changed dramatically after seeing those two pink lines on January 29th, 2015. And then again on October 2, 2015 when this beautiful creature came into our lives.

 And just like that.....
Love is all it takes, to change me forever.

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