Friday, January 1, 2016

Be Here Now.


Lola isn't too excited about the new year in this picture, but we are!

Every year, I set 5 resolutions for myself.  Some years, I do a few for a few weeks, then say F it. Some years I conquer all five. This year... I have one.

Be Here Now

There is no promise for tomorrow. I'm choosing to be here now. (Thanks Ray Lamontagne!) I've always had a problem with waiting for something. I'm okay admitting that, because it's the truth. Last year I waited and waited for Lola to be here, then I waited for breastfeeding to get better, then I waited for her to sleep better at night. Then I noticed myself waiting for it to be warmer. Who am I kidding? We've got 3 more months minimum of cold! So I'm going to stop waiting. What if we don't get tomorrow?

 I'm sure the majority of you look at my life and think, how could she want more? I don't have it all. I don't have tons of money to buy whatever I want. I don't have the perfect job I love going to every day. I don't have the perfect sculpted body. I don't even fit into any of my clothes anymore. But I have enough money, I have a job, I have a beautiful baby girl that came from that scarred and unsculpted body, and I have two huge closets full of clothes. Those things are minuscule in comparison to whats really important. What I truly cherish is the ridiculously fun and loving family I have. The husband who tells me I'm beautiful every single day. A beautiful baby girl, who wakes up smiling every morning. Who loves me and trusts me enough to let me hold her while shes crying, and rock her to sleep when shes tired. It is so much more then enough.

So today, I'm not worried about when do the days start getting longer, or warmer, or better. Right now, is better. And tomorrow, if I'm lucky enough to have tomorrow, I'll figure it out then.

Ever since the first time I heard this quote, I have used it over and over again to remind my friends, my family, and myself....

CHEERS! To hopefully an amazing year!

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