Friday, September 2, 2016

Eleven Months

Age: 11 months

Stats: Last I weighed her she was 25 lbs. I love my chubby happy baby! I don't know her height but I can't wait to have her measured for the first time on her height chart in her room. Shes still wearing mostly 12-18 and 18-24 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and she has 9 teeth now!

Favorite Foods: She seems to really enjoy cantaloupe. LOVES taco night (like mama!) Goes ham at Chipotle, she gets the kids cheese quesadilla, a side of black beans, corn, and guac. Really likes chugging water. And when we can't find her, she is almost always sitting at the dog food bowl and we have to pry dog food out of her mouth. Parents of year over here.
Words: She is quite a talker. We can sometimes figure out what shes trying to say. But her favorite word by far is Dada. Up until Thursday, we could look her dead in the eye and say "Mama" about 100 times and every single time she replies "DADA!" But the day before she turned 11 months old, I walked out of the room and she came crawling after me saying "mumma mumma mumma" Yes, I cried.

Favorite Activities: She recently really likes playing in her crib while you sit next to it. She pulls herself up, jumps a couple times, and then lays down with her face in the mattress giggling like shes pretending to sleep. She loves to push her push walker. Get chased by her giant stuffed teddy bear, and still really loves playing with Louie.

Favorite Things: Books for sure. She loves loves loves to turn pages in all her books. Her favorites right now are A Color of His OwnLittle Blue Truck Halloween, and Pantone Colors.

Least Favorite Things: Diaper changes, putting on clothes, taking off clothes, rocking when shes overly tired, and being told she can't stand in the tub.

Signature Moves: If anyone says "yaaay" or "good job" it doesn't matter what she is doing or if she's even paying attention, she will stop what she is doing and start clapping. It is the funniest thing ever. I hope I never forget it.

Seriously, this sweet girl. I am just so overwhelmed with how much she has brought to our lives. It doesn't even seem possible for her to be almost one year old. If you need me, I'll be sobbing in between each smile and laugh for the next 30 days. Okay, probably 30 years. People always say "you'll never know how much I love you" but I hope one day she does. So much my heart feels like it will burst into a million pieces. 

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