Monday, April 25, 2016

Lola's First Maple Festival

The Geauga County Maple Festival is something that's been in our blood since we were born. Chuck and I look forward to it every year. Now that we're adults, we really only care about the food. But I certainly find myself too excited for Lola's first tilt-a-whirl ride, or bath tub race, or maple syrup auction. Yes, I said maple syrup auction. We're from Chardon, folks. 
Saturday was really chilly, and Lola had a runny nose, so Nana watched her while we ran up with Chuck's sister and kids to get some food and watch her kids ride rides. It never fails that at LEAST one day of the maple festival you're sure to be wearing a winter hat and coat.

I was plagued with a dreaded post partum migraine for the rest of the night while Chuck held down the fort at home.
Sunday was 70 degrees and sunny so we decided to meet up with my nieces, nephew and sister in law to watch the parade.  Chuck's step dad is a Navy Seabee's Veteran and marched right in the front. I'm sure it's hormones, mixed with age, but I was tearing up watching the veterans march and hearing the crowd applauding them. True heroes.

Lola slept through most of the parade, cause we're parents of the year and took her during nap time. But then woke up and loved people watching! 
It was a fun, sunny, baby filled day for us.

I can't even wait thinking about Lola being able to enjoy some food with us next year. I bet she is thinking that too. Only 360 more days until next year!

 I thought about the amount of food I consumed, and its sickening. Thursday I had a pepperoni stromboli, a caramel apple with sprinkles, and fries. Saturday another pepperoni stromboli, a corn dog, sweet potato fries, kettle corn, and a lemonade. Sunday I had fried veggies, a steak on a stick, another pepperoni stromboli, swiss fried cheese, and another lemonade.

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