Monday, July 11, 2016


So, I'm officially turning 30 this month. I'm actually kind of excited, because my 20's were awesome. And now, Lola's here and I'm totally ready to take on my 30's. I really don't think my life started fully until she made her debut. She is literally the light of my life.  I've been ready for this for as long as I can remember, and it is nothing short of amazing.
 I thought it might be fun to share "30 things" about me you may, or may not know. You may or may not care to know, either. 

 Ashley Sasak Photography

1.  I used to be a runner. I ran 3-5 times a week, anywhere from 3-8 miles. I've run 20-30 5k's, 2 half marathons, and a couple 10 milers. I don't have time (or motivation) to run anymore, but I was never sick when I was running, and felt like a million bucks.

2.  I shower every day. If I don't have time to shower quick in the morning, I shower at night. I just can't stand not feeling clean.

3. I write EVERYTHING down. I own 2 yearly planners, a desk calendar, a wall calendar, a weekly meal planner, and roughly 6,000 notepads. And I write only with a black sharpie

4. Chuck begged me for chickens for a long time, and then one day I came home to chickens. And they sort of grew on me. I wouldn't mind having a few more. I'm still a NO on a goat and a pig.

5. I've had a total of 9 surgeries. And 3 of them were emergencies.

6. When my eyebrows aren't plucked or waxed, I feel like my face is dirty, even if I just washed it.

7. Chuck and I wrote our own vows for our wedding

8. When I was about 12 years old, I accidentally hit a little kid in the forehead with a baseball bat while I was "in the hole" at one of my softball games. I still think about the sound to this day and cringe. (The little kid was okay by the way)

9. My birthday seems to have some weird curse. There have been too many crazy/bad things that happen around my birthday. A tornado, a concussion, a 7 day power outage. To name a few. 

10. I didn't have braces until I was 26

11. My first job I worked at a gym 

12. I used to have a thing for boys in bands

13. But moved on to BMX riders (the best decision)

14. Speaking of bands, I was a total groupie in high school. I've been to 100+ concerts. Mostly pop punk. 14 of those were New Found Glory

15. I'm addicted to two things for sure, popcorn, and twirling my hair.

16.  I own a lot of books I've never read

17. I used to paint. (The Notebook style) I still wish to paint again some day

18.  I'd choose vodka over beer or wine any night

19.  When Chuck and I visited Burlington Vermont 2 years ago, we sat on a swing overlooking Lake Champlain and decided, since we didn't go away to college, our children would go to University of Vermont and start a life there. So that we could have roots there and their life could be magical. We were dreaming before we even met Lola!

20. I'm not much of a "sweets" person. I like salty. Give me a bag of Fritos or Cheetos and it's over.  

21.  I'm not a picky eater at all. There isn't anything I won't eat.

22. Halloween is my favorite holiday

23. In elementary school, my friends and I all owned the same orange jacket, and we were literally called the Orange Coat Gang. Even the other elementary schools in the area had heard of us.

24. In high school, my friends, Laura, Ally, Melissa and I called ourselves The SLAM. Because our initials spelled SLAM.

25. Watercolor pencils are my favorite thing to make art with

26. I'm a pop punk fan all the way, even though I listen to almost all music

27.  I've known my whole life that being a mom is all I wanted

28. I'm a total TV Show junkie. My favorites include The O.C., Scrubs, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, Greys Anatomy, Scandal, New Girl, and Parenthood.

29. My dream job would be to create soundtracks to movies

30.  My middle name is Michael. I am named after my dad who's first name is Michael. And both my older brothers middle names are Michael. So, my name for 27 years was Shannon Michael Myers.  


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