Monday, July 4, 2016

Nine Months

Age: 9 months

Height: 25.5" (82 percentile)

Weight: 22 lbs 13.5 ounces (96 percentile!!!! Our big, healthy girl)

Clothing size: mostly 12-18 month. She's still fitting into most of her 6-12 month onesies, but footie pajamas just aren't long enough anymore

Diaper size:  4! I can't believe it

Eating: We still try to do 5 bottles 6 ounces each throughout the day, but many times she will skip a bottle  in the afternoon and get an 8 ounce bottle before bed. She's eating 3 meals a day now of solids. She's decided she's pretty much over purees, so mama's done making baby food. She does so great picking up food, and chewing. She's got 3 teeth and 2 more on the way. Doc gave us the go ahead for all foods except honey, and we've been having fun getting messy! She had rigatoni with marinara and homemade meatballs this past weekend and went nuts. Her favorite foods are definitely cheerios, watermelon, peas, blueberries, and waffles. She shovels them in.

Sleeping: She pretty much naps like clockwork 9-10/10:30am every day, and then goes down again at about 1:30/2:00 for about 1.5/2 hours. Bedtime is 7:30ish and she sleeps til about 6:30am, SOMETIMES we can get her to sleep in til 7. She's such a great sleeper. I can't remember the last time she woke up in the middle of the night.

Favorite toys: She still really likes her little play kitchen. She is moving all over the place now in her walker and laughs hysterically if you run away from her like she's chasing you. She chews on these adorable blocks all day long and likes knocking them over when you stack them high for her. She loves under dogs in her outside swing. Really though, you can hand her anything and she will either chew on it, or play with it. Her toothbrush, comb, lotion bottles, wipe dispenser, and straps on her stroller are pretty high up on her favorites list, too.

Loves: Waving "hi". She waves at everybody and everything. Its the cutest thing in the world. Pulling herself up and climbing on EVERYTHING. She is a busy girl lately. She still absolutely adores her dad and smiles every single time she sees him. Eating finger foods, holding her bottles, and blowing raspberries on the back of her knees makes her belly laugh like theres no tomorrow.

I convince myself each month that THIS is the best age. But it honestly just keeps getting better and better. Poor peanut has been teething for a few weeks, and has been a little whiney when we don't just let her stand ALL day long. We've got 4 teeth all coming in at once, so hopefully they hurry it up. Nine months old doesn't even seem possible to me right now. Whats even worse, is that I know the next 3 months will fly and we will have a 1 year old and I just close my eyes and remember her in my belly thinking "I can't wait to meet you". Lola is learning things in the blink of an eye. She reaches an inch further every day to crawling, and I can't even believe it when I see her pull herself up. 

Lola, I didn't even know a piece of me was missing until I met you. You make life the most complete it has ever felt. Mommy and daddy have really big dreams for you.

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